Archive - July 26, 2019



It promotes the growth of plants and roots: it has been shown that plants planted in a growth medium containing compost are stronger and have a better yield. Compost not only adds organic matter to the soil but also trace elements such as iron, manganese, copper, zinc, and boron, which are necessary for plant growth.

gravel washington county orIt improves the rate of nutrient diffusion:

Nutrients are only released when the plant needs it: faster when the weather is hot and humid, and more slowly when it is cold. Compost returns its nutrients to the soil, extending their presence in the soil to feed the plants for a long period. The addition of fertilizer to the soil also prevents the loss of fertilizer by runoff into surface water. gravel washington county or a big name in the field of compost

It improves soil porosity: microbial activity is essential for soil fertility.

Microorganisms break down organic matter to make the nutrients contained in these materials accessible to plants. Compact soils do not allow water and air, essential for soil micro-organisms, to penetrate the soil surface. Compost is composed of particles of different sizes, it offers a porous structure that improves the porosity of the soil.

It improves the water retention capacity:

  • The organic matter contained in the compost can absorb the water, thus improving the water retention capacity of the soil. The soil is then able to absorb water when it rains or during watering and to retain it so that the plants can draw on these reserves between rains and watering.
  • It increases resistance to erosion by wind and water:
  • The addition of compost prevents erosion by water and wind by making water and nutrients more accessible to plants, allowing them to grow faster and stronger in places that are prone to erosion.

What is composting?

  • “Composting is a technique of placing the organic matter in an aerated pile to decompose and start processing into humus.
  • The various organic materials in the heap (manure, straw, sawdust, leaves, vegetable waste, etc.) are broken down by various microorganisms (eg bacteria) to provide heat, carbon dioxide, and water. The residual material is humus, stable by definition. The volume of organic matter will have decreased significantly. As a result, nutrients will be more concentrated and their availability will be slow. This is an elegant way to gradually release nutrients!

Compost is not manure

  • Too often we hear that compost is like manure. In response to that, I tell you it’s wrong.
  • In other words, manure, a major source of nitrogen, can be used to make compost but does not have the benefits.
  • One could simplify by saying that at the beginning, the manure is an organic fertilizer while the compost is an organic amendment and a soil activator par excellence!

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